Saturday, May 30

Hug Your Cat Day

A neighbor cat was hunting Sophie this morning while I walked her.

Saturday, May 23

World Turtle Day

Sophie photo session!

Tuesday, May 19

Saturday, May 16

National Sea Monkey Day

This was supposed to be a picture of a spider, but I can't get my camera to focus on the spider.

Pretty springtime flowers!

Those irises bloomed already!

More pictures of the rose bush.

The wisteria again. See the white ones?

Thursday, May 14

National Chicken Dance Day

This is the wisteria over our front porch.

Irises about to bloom!

Is this the biggest dandylion you've ever seen?

Rose, the neighbor kitty came out to say hi while I was walking Sophie.

Sophie likes to rub her back under your feet like a cat.

Wednesday, May 13

Root Canal Appreciation Day

We had our wellness fair at work today. This was one of the props that the podiatrist had on his table.

Tuesday, May 12

National Nutty Fudge Day

We all wore yellow and grey! Totally by accident! And we weren't the only ones...

Val doesn't like pictures.

This is a favor I got at a wedding shower I went to over the weekend.

I took these pictures to post on
Yahoo! Answers. I'm hoping someone can identify it for me.

Sunday, May 10

Windmill Day

LaMarcus was hanging out in my roommates drawer this morning.

Thursday, May 7

National Day of Reason

Sophie came to work today!

AND I made my first ice cream! It's
Grape Nuts Ice Cream! It was fabulous!

Friday, May 1

Lei Day

I think this is a lilac, but it's different than the ones I'm used to.